Jogging is now important to me!

Have running through the cold Winter. The lowest temperature I ran in Winter was -20C (was -25C with windchill), without head nor ear protection, just gloves on, at 5:50 AM in the Morning. -20C was a bit cold, -15C or above without windchil…l was very comfortable. 🙂 Stopped jogging in Spring for 2.5 months, now is just starting again. The distance I jog is usually between 3KM – 4KM, just preserving some energy for work int he day. Jogging is better than medication, for anti-flu! It’s also great to keep a much better mood at work! So energized to fight in the day! 🙂

Before jogging, I always do 50 Push-up (虎卧撑) to warm up. It’s great to warm-up the lung in the cold Winter. 🙂

Duration 0:27:18 | Calories Burned 341 | Average Pace 6:15 / km | Average Speed 9.60 km/h | Elevation Climb 16 m


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Stereo Love


最近很喜欢的一首歌,特别是里面的风琴的那段。MTV里面的男主角看起来比较傻,不过他是制作这首歌的Producer "Edward Maya” 。Edward Maya今年夏天(2010)会来蒙特利尔旁边的小镇参加国际气球节的演出。 


YouTube – Edward Maya – Stereo Love feat Vika Jigulina (HIGH QUALITY)

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SITA 全球监控中心 (SCC)于2010年5月在加拿大的蒙特利尔(Montreal)正式投入使用。

SITA 全球监控中心 (SCC)于2010年5月在加拿大的蒙特利尔(Montreal)正式投入使用。SITA的CEO和副总裁专门从日内瓦总部飞到Montreal主持开幕仪式,Montreal市政府的官员出席了开幕剪彩。




YouTube – Introducing the SITA Command Center

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其实滑雪每年都可以去滑,旅游每年都可以安排。就像去年BB才5个月我们就全家开车又跑加东玩了趟,BB才9个月我们就全家回国玩了趟。。。 不过人生没多少次陪伴BB从0岁成长到3岁的经历,这段时间是BB最可爱和好玩的时间。所以,俺宅了。好好珍惜着,呵呵。 :)


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2009加东游 — 爱德华王子岛,Cape Breton, New Brunswick

喜欢去加东是因为PEI 有广阔的田园, CAPE BRETON山边临海。 而且开车几千公里的去很是过瘾。。。虽然加东已经是第三次去了,但每次都有新的发现。这次看到一个艺术品/工艺品店,很有特色!!



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SITA had consolidated revenues of over US$1.47 billion (1.13 billion euros) in 2008. Not bad. :)



SITA Overview


SITA is the world’s leading specialist in air transport communication and IT solutions. SITA delivers and manages business solutions for airline, airport, GDS, government and other customers over the world’s most extensive network, which forms the communications backbone of the global air transport industry.

SITA’s portfolio includes managed global communications, infrastructure and outsourcing services, as well as services for airline commercial management and passenger operations, flight operations, aircraft operations and air-to-ground communications, airport management and operations, baggage operations, transportation security and border management, cargo operations and more. With a customer service team of over 1,600 staff around the world, SITA invests significantly in achieving best-in-class customer service, providing integrated local and global support for both its communications and IT application services.

SITA has two main subsidiaries: OnAir, which is the leading provider of in-flight connectivity, and CHAMP Cargosystems, the world’s only IT company dedicated solely to air cargo. SITA also operates two joint ventures providing services to the air transport community: Aviareto for aircraft asset management and CertiPath for secure electronic identity management.

SITA is one of the world’s most international companies. Its global reach is based on local presence, with services for around 550 air transport industry members and 3,200 customers in over 200 countries and territories. In 2009, the company celebrates 60 years in business. Set up in 1949 with 11 member airlines, SITA today employs people of more than 140 nationalities, speaking over 70 different languages. SITA had consolidated revenues of over US$1.47 billion (1.13 billion euros) in 2008.

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今年加拿大的枫叶特别色彩斑斓!这个秋天的几个周末,去了魁北克省东部的charlevoix,Baie-Saint-Paul, 小峡谷,Quebec City, 还有北部的Mont Tremblant山, 南岸的St Bruno。 当然Montreal的皇家山也去了,也非常漂亮!
除了枫叶的照片外,还有几张是在charlevoix的美丽小镇Baie-Saint-Paul拍的。 那里的每一家小店的装饰都很别致。我拍了很多糖果的是一家冰激凌店。镇里最多的是买油画的画廊。上面的那幅油画是我们很喜欢的一幅。这个画家的画风是脸部描绘得特别的细腻,下笔勾画得很精巧。但脸部一下的服饰却非常的粗旷!
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“Drive My Soul ” —- by Lights


这首歌是Lights 唱的 "Drive My Soul"

Seems somebody put out the moon
Now the road is a minefield
I can’t follow the way she moves
I can’t see past the shadows
You make the darkness disappear
I feel found when you stay near
I know where I am when you are here
My way becomes so clear

When you’re gone
Will I lose control?
You’re the only road I know
You show me where to go
Who will drive my soul?

Seems somebody burned out the signs
I can’t expect the hard curves
There’s no borders
There are no lines
How can I know where to turn?
You make the street lights reappear
I feel bright when you stand near
I know what I am when you are here
My place becomes so clear

When you’re gone
Will I lose control?
You’re the only road I know
You show me where to go
Who will drive my soul?

Will I lose control?
You’re the only road that I know
You show me where to go
Who will drive my soul?
Drive my soul

When you’re gone
Will I lose control?
You’re the only road I know
You show me where to go
When you’re gone
Will I lose control?
You’re the only road I know
You show me where to go
Who will drive my soul?

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骑车 --边看风景边运动。

生命在于运动。 GYM,在屋子里,很没意思。羽毛球,曾经热爱过,但得开车去打。跑步,距离太短,也有点闷。骑车,方便,家门前就是自行车径,而且可以骑较远的距离,欣赏路上的景色。



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